Daily Prompt : DILL

Head to “Blogs I Follow” in the Reader. Scroll down to the third post in the list. Take the third sentence in the post, and work it into your own.

The third sentence in Chitra’s Healthy Kitchen : Dill Chapathi/Roti   ‘Dill boosts digestive health, as well as provides relief from insomnia, hiccups, diarrhea, dysentery, menstrual disorders, respiratory  disorders, and cancer’  has put me in a fix.

Insomnia, diarrhea, cancer……. !!! definitely not what I want to write about on a bright sunny morning 😦

Should I give today’s challenge a miss  ?Na, no way. I spy with my little eyes a four letter happy word beginning with the alphabet ‘D’ 🙂

Did you guess Dill, the herb ?Dill it is, but with a difference.

Ta- Dah !Friends,let me introduce you to Hindiwala DILL !!! In my mother tongue ‘Dill’ refers to heart.

And I believe a happy heart and positive emotions are the best medicine for any ailment.

So let me start my day with a happy heart quote

The first recipe of happiness – avoid too lengthy meditations on the past

– Andre Maurois

and Andy Williams ‘Happy Heart’ song


